Since 1997, the area’s leading expert. Certified by the top organizations and wielding a mastery of Applied Exercise Science, we design and implement a fitness program that is safe, sound and effective.

We have a single goal that is the all encompassing, guiding directive to how we work with clients: Improve one’s OVERALL QUALITY of LIFE.  Period.   That directive is the sum total of many different areas of health, fitness, and wellness programming that funnels into one continuum of totality.  We can achieve that best through the approach of a specific fitness prescription.

Experience and education should be the hallmark to any instructor’s resume.  However, the industry is riddled with charlatans, gym “experts,” individuals who exaggerate their experience and knowledge to earn your business. Most recently, Franchise Fitness centers have emerged to fancy your senses and deliver more “fad fitness design” but do little to address you, your specific and particular needs, goals, and objectives. What’s more, they’ll lock you into contracts worthy of an attorney’s time to read for you.  Good grief!

Phil Sottile, the company’s founder, has worked to build a company that is tirelessly devoted to help you accomplish your personalized goals and objectives.  He has certified, educated, instructed industry trainers, and has helped to build Hofstra University and the AAPTE Personal Training Program, and BOSCES’ Long Island Technical schools.  Sottile is a seasoned lecturer, teacher, coach, and 4-time book author, and has 27 years of education and experience to guide your efforts and blueprint a path to success worth taking!

Intelligent Fitness’ unique and copyrighted business model of Group and Personal Training allows individuals to pursue personal goals and objectives on an individualized level.  We use a very meticulous screening process to identify many areas of a client’s disposition prior to offering a Personal Program of Supervised Instruction.  A program can ONLY be successful if the professional and prospect are appropriately matched.

Our initial screening identifies:

  • Activity Readiness
  • Commitment Level
  • Physical Limitations and Contraindications
  • Musculoskeletal and Orthopaedic Asymmetries
  • Movements Screening and Plumb Alignment
  • Joint Evaluation and Norms Deflection
  • Wellness and Fitness Objectives
  • Budget Requirements
  • …and the company’s mission statement outline.

Once we have identified ourselves as an appropriate match for your goals and objectives, and in advance of your program’s beginning, we arrange an  Evaluation according to our Copyrighted Protocols and design (The SMART(c.) Evaluation system,) and guide you through a fitness program geared toward personal achievement.

30 or 45-minute Personal and Group Training Services are available at our facility for:

Children under 16
Young Adults 17 – 35
Persons aged 40 – 82 (Our PRIMARY clientele)
Injury Reconditioning and Wellness Programming
Weight Loss Programming/Education
Nutritional Counseling and Behaviors Guidance

Sports Conditioning

Call for our Initial Consultation and let’s see if we are a match. Or, Email us to request an appointment time:  phil@intelligentfitness.net  

NO obligation to purchase services is necessary and a program for fitness services will ONLY be offered if we are an appropriate match.


“Fear not the journey because the path shall eradicate your trepidation.”

                                                                                   ~ Phil Sottile